Purpose Passion Promise

The Place Where Purpose, Passion, and Promise Connect


Purpose, Passion, Promise.

At the heart of our mission

Lies a steadfast commitment to empowering women and girls, igniting a flame of passion and purpose that promises to illuminate paths and reshape futures. We are not just a nonprofit; we are a movement, a collective force driven by the unwavering belief that when women and girls are supported and uplifted, the impact resonates through generations, fostering change that is both profound and enduring.

Connect with Collective Action

When women, who are often tasked with the role of caretakers and nurturers, experience challenges in various aspects of their lives, it can stir a deep anxiety and a sense of urgency to correct, protect, and heal. This connection reveals a powerful pathway for women to come together in harmony and thrive, by finding a sense of purpose and empowerment within this symbiotic network of women.

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3P’s Connect Closet

3P’s Connect offers our clients a beautiful experience that represents the hope and care we have for EVERY woman who walks through our door. Words have power and our boutique uses WORDS Wall-Art and decor to inspire and empower every person who enters from the doorway to the dressing rooms, conference rooms, offices, and every space within to believe that they can rise above their current situation and do or become the absolute best version of who they were created to be.

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Workshops, Conversations, and Celebrations

Connect with life coaches, seasoned educators, and professionals, discover the benefit of caring and supportive networks, programs that utilize a comprehensive modality that is intentional, proactive, and effective, and gain hands-on experience. Our sessions provide insights and networking opportunities, whether you’re looking to harness your power within or inspire others.

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Why Choose 3P’s Connect…

We’ve partnered with a diverse network of life coaches, educators, and professionals across niches and industries, ensuring that you discover your BEST-self. Together, we’ll envision new solutions to take collective action and shared responsibility for helping women move from poverty to self-sufficiency to thriving.


Our programs are focused on professional development, life skills workshops, mentoring and coaching, financial education, and suiting for success. We strive to ensure women and girls are supported and uplifted, and feel equipped to rise above societal limitations, and are ready to carve out their own destiny. 3P’s Connect goal is to celebrate the growth and legacy of women and girls across the globe by providing a better future one woman, one girl at a time. So why wait? Make your choice a reality today!

“3P’s Connect will be an absolute game-changer for women and girls. Our exceptional programs, workshops, and connections will help us reach women and girls, and connect with them on a whole new level.”

Cherilyn Washington

Certified Life Coach

Ready to Shine Bright?

We believe in the power of women and girls to change the world, not as future leaders, but as influential forces here and now. Let’s create a ripple effect of positive change that transcends communities and borders that will leave a lasting impression.

Ignite your purpose, passion, and purpose today!

Read our blog

Stay informed and inspired with our engaging blog posts. Explore the latest trends and insights in influencer marketing.

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Contact support

Let’s connect! Reach out to us today, and let’s begin your transformative journey together!
